I was heading into work. And for some reason the traffic was insane. It took me nearly an hour to travel 5 miles.
So, while I was sat in the queue I called home.
I have been worried about a few things, and there is now the possibility of either identity theft, mistaken identity or even fraud as a bloke turned up at the door saying we'd bought a large amount of home improvements and owed a fortune to him. More stress. Great.
We were discussing this and Wifey said "Well, I'm not bothered, you can call the number when you get home and sort it out then" Great, I thought.
"Oh, can I? Gee, thanks!" I replied.
There was a few moments on consternation from her end of the line as she seemed to be wondering why I wouldn't be overjoyed at this opportunity of a lifetime with which I'd been honoured.
I decided to move on, skating over this particular thin ice.
"Have you contacted the DVLA?" A car tax application has gone walkabout.
"No, I forgot." How one forgets something that one has been looking for for two weeks, I'm not sure...
"How about the mortgage payment, did you get that sorted?"
"No, I forgot."
"Or the Water bill you said you were sorting?"
"No, I forgot."
A pattern was starting to emerge. And a sense of "WTF!!" anger was building in me.
"Look," I said, "I know I'm not much better, but this is getting silly. I can't do everything!"
There was silence on the other end of the line. The cars edged forward a few feet.
"You need to help me with this stuff, Wifey. I'm not around to do it, and when I am, I haven't got time to do it all."
More silence, but this is her standard response to any confrontation. Say absolutely nothing until the other person (me) gives up and goes away.
I continued.
"Everything is starting to circle the drain, Wifey, and if we are not very careful it will be too late, it may already be too late."
There was more silence.
Then I heard myself saying something that has been close to the surface for a long, long time.
"And I mean everything. The house, the car, the debts and this marriage."
Its odd that even though there was still silence on the phone, there was a difference in that silence. She's started listening very carefully, I thought.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that, but I did mean what I said." I told her.
"Oh." At last a response.
"It's not the best way to discuss it"
"Well, I was thinking that." She said.
The traffic suddenly started to move. I told her (its OK I was "handsfree") that we'd talk later and that I'd call her when I took my break.
We aren't divorced yet, in fact its all been very cordial.
Maybe there's another conversation to be dangled.