Friday, 20 November 2009

Working nights really doesn't suit me... Have a stinking headache, feel nauseous and I have a hugely busy weekend ahead. Lots of driving... but first, another nights work to do.

They say the secret of great comedy is timing.
So its probably funny that I took this job just as the world economy died on its arse.
And it may be funny that I made a decision the other day, and then it was thrown into doubt just 2 hours later.

I decided to look for a way and a opportunity to end my relationship with my wife.
I'm going to try to be as non-cruel about it as possible and find a way that we can split 'gently'.
I doubt its possible, but one has to try.

Then I spoke to her on the phone.
"I've booked in to see the doctor on Monday." Oh, I thought I knew you were taking a sickie at the weekend, but this seems a little over dramatic...
"I have had a headache for about a month, and I passed out while getting dressed this morning... And I keep going dizzy."
Immediately I feel panicky, worried, how will I cope without her if its something serious...
Maybe I haven't made that decision at all.

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