Monday, 18 January 2010

I was in the lab a the weekend, doing some samples. Due to an "Act of God" type of event large parts of the plant are completely screwed again (How unusual!!) so I was having to do the samples an old fashioned way rather than using the modern equipment.
It was strangely satisfying that I can still work in a lab quickly and efficiently and skillfully despite it being many, many years since I did my degree.

My particular forte in the laboratory environment was to be able to fill a burette, or a flask to a specific volume at the first attempt. OK - not a skill there is much a call for in the wider world, but I loved being at school and university and taking a bottle of acid, and pouring 100ml into a flask and being all but spot on over 95% of the time.
On the weekend I found I haven't lost this ability.

Oi, you've got to take your pleasures where you find 'em!

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