Monday, 1 February 2010

Had a conversation with Wifey the other day. I'd popped into her work to see her as I'd not seen her at all and had to drive home to help out with a few things... Silly waste of time, petrol and... Everything! (never mind - move on.)
Anyway... I'd gone in and I was sat with her in the rest room having a coffee and a chat. We chatted about nothing much but I could feel a big weight bearing down on my psyche. It was all getting too much to bear as she waffled on about not much at all.
"We need to talk about this relationship" I said rather suddenly. she muttered an "I know", but nothing much more was forthcoming.
"The whole thing is in trouble. Money, sex, marriage - all are in real trouble, we are approaching the very end of the line here, Wifey."
She looked at me blankly. "Lets not talk about it here" She said, not unfairly. I didn't want to talk about it there and then, where her workmates could walk in at any moment.
"Trouble is, you don't want to talk about it here or at home, or anywhere else." She shuffled uncomfortably in her seat. "I wont talk about it in a box, I wont talk about it with a fox, I wont talk about it Sam I am!" I said in a moment of, what I modestly considered, comedy genius.
"Ha, ha, ha!" she said slowly, and not unfairly.

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