Friday, 14 May 2010

Work Stuff

Some musings re: Work...

When a member of your staff gives you his review feedback form which says "We'd like some positive feedback now and again..." The correct response doesn't involve a 45 minute monologue in which you repeatedly say "The next person to fuck up will get fired", it doesn't motivate them.

1% is not a pay rise.

When some men wander onto the site and steal £50K of equipment, bolting the gates would have been better before it happened, Security guards would have been a good (as would working CCTV cameras - saved some money there, did you?) and "Someone let them in, and when I find out who, they'll get fired!" is not the correct response.

I cannot be at both ends of the plant and running the main process at the same time.

You cannot solve all the problems from your office chair. You need to get out of it and look at the problem once in a while.

Actually - those are all addressed to my boss...

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