Friday, 2 July 2010

A bit of a day.

Took Number One Son to shop for stuff for his holiday as his shift was canceled. We had a really good time, actually. Decided to stop of coffee and a macaroon at a posh cake shop, bought him some shirts and shorts, went in the Lego shop and bought Star Wars key-rings, got myself a couple of books, did some people watching... stuff like that.
As we came back into the hometown I was following a bus, ahead there was someone on the pavement. I turned to Number One and said "Has he fallen over?"
We slowed, and N1 said, "Yeah, but the bus is stopping... oh no it isn't!"
There was a man in his 70s sprawled on the pavement. I swung into a driveway and jumped out of the car.
"Are you ok?" "I've fallen!" He declines an ambulance, as he just can't get up. Another bus pulls over and the driver calls over to ask if we are OK. I assure him its under control, and I help the man slowly to his feet. Someone else, a fit looking guy in his early 30s, appears from somewhere and helps us. The man isn't badly hurt, just shaken. His elbow is scraped and his knee is bleeding under his trousers, but nothing serious. We guide him across the road to his car.

As I turn back to go to the car I hear a horn blow. There is someone trying to get into the driveway I stopped in, I see N1 starting my car - he has no license and, obviously, no insurance so I shout at him not to move the car. I know he's acting out of the best of intentions, and is capable of moving the car forward a foot or two, but I'm not happy about it.
The guy in the BT van is the one who biped his horn. I shout to him that I was helping the old guy and will move the car. He glances in the mirror, twigs whats going on and says "Oh, no problem"
I get back in the car and start to pull out. The man in the AA Driving school car comes hurtling past, just misses me as I'm pulling out, screaming abuse and making obscene gestures. Dammit if I didn't get his whole number. Still might be onto the AA Driving School later...

N1 and I then went round Sainsbury's, but I was so messed up after the adrenaline of the emergency I wasn't much use to him - he did the shopping, really.
Home, food, cider, bed.

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