Midnight: I'm working. The plant is going fine, and all is well.
2am: I plug my phone in to my ears and listen to the radio - I Love Alex Lester on BBC Radio2.
2.30am: The irritating colleague arrives, but ignores me.
3am: I tell him that I'm busy and I can't cover that job that we usually do for their section when they aren't in. He just nods. I hear a few days later that he moaned about me leaving his job for him to do... How dare I?
5am: Alex has finished and I'm trying to get finished as my relief isn't coming in. Its been hard work since 3:30, actually.
6.15: I'm finally done. I get changed, head home, and eat porridge.
7.20: I get to sleep.
14.00 I'm awake again, tired, but I don't have to do anything so I take my time, watch Countdown, and head for work just before 5pm.
17.00: Stop for coffee in the local Waitrose... Ooooh nice looking cake... Ugh. It isn't cheesecake, its a gateaux and has a minty top. Ah well, never mind...
17.35: I pop into bosses office, chat for a few minutes, sort out what I'm going to do overnight.
17.50: out of the building, down the slope, feet skid out from under me, I crash down hard onto the concrete. Ow. Boss comes down to see me, I'm helped up, and into the lab. My arm is hurting. Badly.
18.15: In the bosses car going to the local hospital. Terrifyingly bad driver, my boss...
18.45: Arrive at hospital, boss departs, register, prepare for long dull wait.
19.00: Am called in and examined.
19.20: I'm in the plaster room.
19.30: I'm on my way home, arm plastered and in a sling.
20.00: Arrive home after a call into Tesco as I landed on my pot of soup and am aware that its seeping into my backpack.
21:00 last of the nights phone calls are made.
23:00 Bed, sleep.
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